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Molecular Diagnostics Made Fast, Accurate, and Easy.

Há mais de uma década, a Cepheid definiu o padrão de inovação no diagnóstico molecular automatizado com o Sistema GeneXpert®. With the GeneXpert System and the Xpert® test menu, Cepheid delivers actionable results when and where clinicians need them the most.

Here is a brief introduction of the tests capable of running on the GeneXpert System (CBNAAT)^:



Fill out form to get free Xpert test menu.

For the use of registered medical practitioners, or hospital, or laboratory.
CE-IVD. Dispositivo médico para diagnóstico in vitro. Poderá não estar disponível em todos os países.
* Over 20 tests registered in India.
^ CBNAAT: Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test

Over 20 Tests.* 1 Platform.
Everywhere You Need It.

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